Art. 1 Name and registered office
An association is formed under the name JEEP CLUB OFFICIAL SWITZERLAND pursuant to Art. 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code (CCS).
The association is based in Castione.
Art. 2 Purpose
To foster friendship between the owners of a Jeep brand car
Organize and participate in shared excursions and trips
Organize events in favor of road safety and driving that respects traffic rules
Promote the exchange of ideas and technical knowledge on everything related to the use of the vehicle
Art. 3 Nature
The association is non-partisan and non-denominational.
Art. 4 Members
The shareholders are divided into:
a) ordinary shareholders
b) honorary members
Art. 5 Ordinary members
Ordinary members are those who have asked to be part of the association, have been accepted by the steering committee and have paid the social tax equal to 80.-
They have the right to vote and active and passive eligibility.
Art. 6 Supporting member
Supporting members are those who have asked to be part of the association, have been accepted by the steering committee, already have a family member / partner as an ordinary member and have paid the social tax of 40.-
They have the right to vote and active and passive eligibility.
Art. 7 Honorary Members
Ordinary members or other people who have distinguished themselves for their particularly meritorious and multi-year activity in favor of the association, upon proposal of the steering committee, may be appointed by the general assembly as honorary members.
They have the right to vote and active and passive eligibility. They are not required to pay the membership fee.
Art. 8 Admissions
Admission to the association takes place by submitting a request to the steering committee, which decides. In case of acceptance, the aspiring member is required to pay the membership fee. From the moment of payment he becomes a shareholder.
In case of refusal, the applicant is allowed to appeal to the general meeting within 15 days. This hears the aspiring partner, then decides by secret ballot. The decision is final.
Art. 9 Resignation
The resignations of the members are forwarded in writing to the steering committee, up to 15 days before the ordinary general meeting at the latest.
Art. 10 Expulsions
The steering committee proposes the expulsion of a member at the general meeting. This hears the expulsion, then decides by secret ballot. The decision is final.
Art. 11 Rights of shareholders
They have the right to vote and active and passive eligibility.
They participate in all the activities of the association, in different forms according to the needs of the association and their possibilities.
Art. 12 Duties of the shareholders
Members must:
respect the statutes
comply with the decisions of the steering committee
participate in the activities and events organized by the association
to help, within the limits of their possibilities, in all the activities necessary for the preparation of the events, beyond the roles assigned to them
to assume, if required, for at least one nomination period, the function of member of the steering committee and auditor
Art. 13 Bodies
The bodies of the association are:
the general assembly
the steering committee
the reviewers
Art. 14 The general assembly
The steering committee convenes the members in an ordinary meeting once a year with at least the following discussions:
appointment of the president of the day
reports on social activity in general and on the state of finances
report of the auditors
statutory appointments (president, steering committee members, auditors)
Art. 15 Powers of the general assembly
approval of the minutes of the last general meeting
appointment of the members of the steering committee and of the auditors
establishment of the social quotas
acceptance of reports on corporate activity in general and on financial activity
amendment of the statute
appointment of honorary members
decision on any other issue for which the statute should not provide for the attribution of competence to a specific body
Art. 16 Convocation and proposals
The convocation takes place in writing at least 20 days before the fixed date, by the steering committee. It provides for a precise date and place and the agenda.
Requests to enter further discussions must be sent by the members to the steering committee at the latest 10 days before the date of the general meeting.
Art. 17 Validity of the general meeting
The general meeting is considered valid if at least half of the members are present.
If at least half of the members are not present, the assembly is reconvened 15 minutes later and considered valid with any number of members present.
Art. 18 Method of voting and validity of decisions
Voting takes place by show of hands, unless the majority of those present propose a different method. For the expulsions of members, the vote is held by secret ballot.
Shareholders' resolutions are taken by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairman of the assembly decides.
For the modification of the statute, the majority of the members enrolled in the association is required.
Art. 19 Right to vote
All members have the right to vote at the meeting. Each shareholder has the right to one vote. It is not possible to be represented by another shareholder.
Art. 20 Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
The extraordinary assembly can be called:
by the steering committee on its own initiative
when at least one fifth of the registered members make a request to the steering committee by presenting an agenda. In this case the extraordinary assembly must be held within one month from the submission of the request.
Art. 21 The steering committee
The steering committee is made up of 3 or more members, it includes: the president, the secretary, the cashier, the members.
The steering committee is elected by the general assembly.
The members of the steering committee, for the first period of appointment from the constitution of the association, remain in office for two years, thereafter they remain in office for one year and can be re-elected.
Art. 22 Powers of the Steering Committee
planning and direction of the association's activity
execution of the expenses required by the ordinary management and administration of the corporate assets
admission of new members, the right to appeal is reserved
acceptance of resignations of shareholders
proposal to the general meeting of the expulsion of members and the appointment of honorary members
convocation of the general meeting
delegation of tasks within it
issuing of internal regulations and directives
representation of the association
organization of technical and sports training
Art. 23 The president
The president directs the meetings of the steering committee. He handles current affairs, signs correspondence with the secretary, takes urgent decisions and watches over the good performance of the association.
In the event of a tie in the steering committee, the chairman votes last a second time.
Art. 24 The vice president
The vice president cooperates with the president in his duties. If the president is absent, the vice president takes his place.
Art. 25 The secretary
The secretary draws up the minutes of the meetings, keeps the list of shareholders updated, handles correspondence, carries out administrative duties and keeps the archives.
Art. 26 The cashier
The cashier receives the payments, makes payments authorized by the management, demands the social taxes, keeps the cash, keeps the accounting records and the relative supporting documents, prepares the accounts and annual financial statements.
Art. 27 Company signature
The steering committee represents the association in front of third parties with the joint signature of two of the president and the secretary; if the president is unable to attend, with the signature of a member and the secretary. For payments, the association is committed by the collective signature of two of the president and the cashier, in case of impediment of the president, with the signature of a member and the cashier.
Art. 28 Sessions
The steering committee meets whenever it deems it necessary. In order for the decisions to be valid, at least half plus one of the members must be present at the meetings of the steering committee. Decisions are made by a majority of those present.
Art. 29 The Auditors
The shareholders' meeting appoints one or more auditors for the examination of the accounts.
The auditors remain in office for one year and can be re-elected.
The cashier makes available to them all the accounting books, supporting documents, credit instruments, certificates of deposit and allows them to check the cash register, bank accounts, postal current account, etc.
The auditors present their report to the general meeting.
Art. 30 Annual fee, taxes and other sources of income
Members are required to pay an annual fee to the association.
The annual fee and taxes are established each year by the general meeting.
Other sources of income are: proceeds from events, donations, subsidies, sponsorship payments, interest on savings capital, and so on.
Art. 31 Amendments to the statute
For the modification of the statute, the majority of the members enrolled in the association is required.
Art. 32 Appeals
A member who feels that he is being wrongfully harmed by a decision of the management committee may appeal in writing to the general meeting. The appeal must be submitted at least 10 days before the meeting.
Art. 33 Dissolution
For the dissolution of the association, the approval of 2/3 of the registered members is required.
In the event of dissolution, the assembly decides by majority vote on the devolution of the assets.
Priority is given to similar associations, otherwise it can be paid to charity or reimbursed in equal parts to members registered at the time of dissolution.
Art. 34 Approval and entry into force
This statute was approved by the constitutive general assembly on 27.08.2016 and immediately enters into force.