Jeep was born in 1941 but she is the daughter of_8df6fbcc-43d3-3d99-a511-2eb009ed8118a2d_willy_2d_willy_3d1_ddf8-1992-3d_willy_willy9_3 43d3-3d99-a511-2eb009ed8a2d_John North Willys. If today it is a semi-unknown brand, in the 1920s Willys was the second largest manufacturer in America in direct competition with Ford.
At the end of the Thirties, the iconic Willys MB,  which in fact was a_8df6fbcc-43d3-3d99-aedalf8deb00cc_ 43d3-3d99-a511-2deb009-a511-2deb00cc_ 43d3-3d99-a511-2d00cc_ 2eb009ed8a2d_a car capable of doing everything. For initials, a GP. That says Jeep. You understand that, translated into modern times, it is as if someone patented a new high-drive car brand and called it SUV. For some, the spelling of the name was also chosen because of the little dog present in Popeye,  Eugene the Jeep,  which debuted in a comic strip sailor in 1936.
Jeep was then officially founded a Tolosa, Texas, in 1941, with production entrusted to Willys until 1953. In this historical period the foundations were laid. that Jeep still represents in the automotive world today, starting with the seven-slot grille and continuing with the iconic round headlights.